Annoncez ici les grosses tournées ayant plusieurs dates en France, les festivals et les dates européennes.
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Messages : 1943
Inscription : dim. juin 22, 2003 8:21 am

Messagepar fabrice_a » ven. juil. 20, 2007 6:52 pm

ca y est j'ai ma place pour les quatres dates françaises :idea:

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Messages : 49
Inscription : mer. mars 22, 2006 11:50 am

Messagepar sallynightmare » mar. juil. 24, 2007 10:24 pm

Comme je l'ai déjà indiqué sur le topic annonces concert (désolée pour ceux qui me liront deux fois) il n'y aura vraisemblablement pas PAIN non plus sur la tournée européenne de PL...

PAIN Will Not Tour Europe With PARADISE LOST - July 24, 2007
PAIN, the Swedish band featuring HYPOCRISY mainman Peter Tägtgren, has issued the following update:

"We're having a blast doing all the festivals, the response has been great and there's been a lot of partying.

"There seems to have been a big mix-up regarding the PARADISE LOST tour. So, just to clear up any confusion, PAIN won't be part of that tour. We were trying to get on it, but in the end it just didn't work out.

"So note that any promotion you see where PAIN is listed as main support is false... no business like show business! However, we are working on setting up our own European tour for the fall. So hope to see ya all soon, and cheers!"
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