Liste d'échange - plus de 850 CDs! (black/death/thrash/etc.)

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Messages : 89
Inscription : mer. janv. 09, 2008 3:39 pm

Liste d'échange - plus de 850 CDs! (black/death/thrash/etc.)

Messagepar Coma » mer. janv. 09, 2008 3:47 pm

La liste est maintenant disponible ici :

Plus facile à consulter.

Plus de 850 CDs de métal, dans tous les styles. Du black, du death, du thrash, du power, du doom et même du punk/hardcore et du hard rock pour ceux avec un intérêt ailleurs que dans le métal.

Pour répondre aux questions les plus fréquentes :

Je suis du Québec au Canada et je transigerai partout dans le monde. Plusieurs références sont disponibles sur demande. Je suis dans le domaine du troc de CDs depuis 1997, à la belle époque des newsgroups sur alt.rock-n-roll.metal.

Je n'ai pas de distro ou de magasin, ceci est ma liste personnelle. Je suis fan de métal depuis plus de 20 ans et je suis sans cesse à la recherche de nouveaux trucs à écouter. Ca explique en partie la taille de ma liste.

J'ai une liste de recherche, vous pouvez regarder un peu plus bas dans la section. Ma liste n'est pas limitée à ces titres par contre, elle est en constante expansion. Envoyez moi donc vos listes si vous n'avez rien de ce que je recherche.

J'ai quelques LPs, mais parce qu'ils sont ch*ants à emballer et à expédier du Canada, je n'échange que des CDs (ou des cassettes dans des cas d'exception).

J'ai quelques vieux titres sur cassettes, donc si vous aimez ce format analogue (ie. vous avez une vieille voiture avec uniquement un lecteur cassette, vous ne voulez pas payer 35$ pour un titre sur CD quand vous pouvez l'avoir pour une fraction du prix en cassette, etc.), envoyez moi un message et je tenterai de compiler une liste.

Je n'ai aucune objection à transiger sans boîtiers pour diminuer les coûts d'expédition, je l'encourage en fait. Du moment que vous êtes en mesure d'emballer vos disques de façon sécuritaire (ie. en utilisant des pochettes de plastique ou de papier pour isoler les disques d'eux mêmes et du livret/pochette arrière), ça me va. Je trouve inutile d'expédier les boîtiers compte tenu qu'ils arrivent, plus souvent qu'autrement, brisés à l'autre bout.

Non, je n'enregistre habituellement pas mes colis. Pourquoi? Contrairement aux pays d'Europe, le Canada a des politiques affreuses en matière d'enregistrement du courrier. En partant, l'enregistrement coûte à lui seul environ 12$ (~8-9 Euros), à quoi se rajoutent les frais normaux d'expédition. Si vous êtes en Belgique et voulez échanger deux disques, ça me coûtera environ 17$ (12-13 Euros) juste en frais de port, ce qui est un non-sens à moins de vouloir ce que vous m'offrez à tout prix. J'ai envoyé des colis dans plusieurs pays jugés 'instables' au niveau des services de poste (Russie, Philippines, Indonésie, Italie, Israel, Chine, Mexique, Chili, etc.) sans aucun problème. Le seul paquet perdu pendant toutes ces années était en Pologne, et c'était à l'époque où j'écrivais les adresses des destinataires à la main. Tous mes colis ont maintenant des adresses imprimées sur étiquettes autocollantes, donc elles sont parfaitement lisibles pour les services de courrier.

Je réponds à toutes les offres, même si je ne vois rien sur votre liste. C'est une question de politesse et ne nécessite que quelques secondes de mon temps - tout le monde devrait faire ainsi.

J'avertis toujours au préalable si un de mes CD comporte une altération quelconque (poinçon dans le UPC, traces de scie, coupure, étampes "promo") avant de conclure l'échange. Je vais aussi vous avertir dans le cas d'éditions étrangères qui sont plus ou moins appréciées par certains collectionneurs (les éditions Russes notamment). La vaste majorité des titres sur ma liste sont des éditions "retail" obtenues dans des magasins ou via des distros, mais il est possible que quelques promos se glissent à l'occasion. Mes disques sont tous inspectés avec des outils comme ExactAudioCopy et dbPowerAmp (en utilisant le plugin AccurateRip) pour s'assurer qu'ils sont parfaitement lisibles.

J'essaye de répondre le plus rapidement possible, mais ne paniquez pas si vous ne recevez pas de réponse de ma part dans les 24 heures suivant l'envoi d'un message. Je travaille devant un ordinateur, donc lorsque je reviens à la maison, je décroche parfois. Il est très rare de devoir patienter plus de 72 heures pour obtenir une réponse par contre.

Oui, je lis parfois mes messages sans répondre immédiatement. Je consulte mes messages à l'occasion pendant l'heure du lunch au travail, donc si votre question concerne l'état ou la disponibilité de certains disques, j'attends habituellement d'être de retour à la maison pour valider le tout.

Assez de lecture, échangeons nos disques! /hips/

Références sur ce forum : VINZ59, ToS, oceancloud (x2), mydrin, Scumflesh, glaire, lynda snarloc, sentinel, beerseeker, metalchimie, Mahze, LucieFer, InSatanity, Max cady, MadBen (x4), infernal666, kwistax, delmfate, metaleux, SuperPanda, sylvain.ataraxie, Motorsud (x2), ins88, nekkro))), Jack Grants, king03, Jus de cadavre, USW, NekroPanzer, korbendallas
Dernière modification par Coma le jeu. oct. 03, 2013 8:57 pm, modifié 57 fois.

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Messages : 89
Inscription : mer. janv. 09, 2008 3:39 pm

Messagepar Coma » mer. janv. 09, 2008 8:52 pm


Dernière mise à jour : 2014/05/13

# indique que je devrais recevoir le disque bientôt.

4Arm (AUS) - 13 Scars (Green 2005)
4Arm (AUS) - The Empires of Death (Indie 2010)
4Arm (AUS) - Submission For Liberty (Rising Records 2012)
A.R.G. (FIN) - Entrance (Spinefarm 2012)
Abandoned (DEU) - Forcefed (Indie 2000)
Accuser (DEU) - Agitation (Red Shift 2010)
Accuser (DEU) - Dependent Domination (Red Shift 2011)
Accuser (DEU) - Diabolic (Red Shift 2013)
Acid Drinkers (POL) - Fishdick Zwei - The Dick Is Rising Again (Mystic 2010)
Acid Drinkers (POL) - La part du diable (Mystic 2012)
Acid Storm (BRA) - Why? ... Dirty War (Marquee 2011)
ADX (FRA) - Terreurs (Pervade 2010, 2CD edition only)
ADX (FRA) - Immortel (XIII Bis Records 2011)
ADX (FRA) - Ultimatum (Verycords 2014)
Aftermath (USA) - 25 Years of Chaos (box, Area Death Productions 2011)
Alastor (POL) - Syndroms of the Cities (Metal Mind 2012)
Alastor (POL) - Destiny (Metal Mind 2012)
Alastor (POL) - Out of Anger (Metal Mind 2012)
Alvacast (URY) - Black Testament (Perro Andaluz 1999)
#Amorphis (FIN) - The Beginning of Times (Nuclear Blast 2011)
Amorphis (FIN) - Circle (CD/DVD or mailorder boxset preferred, will take the normal version too, Nuclear Blast 2013)
Angelus Apatrida (ESP) - Lost in the Realms of Orchinodaemon (Indie 2001)
Angelus Apatrida (ESP) - Unknown Human Being (Indie 2003)
Angelus Apatrida (ESP) - Evil Unleashed (Producciones Malditas or Red Dragon 2006, both editions wanted)
Angelus Apatrida (ESP) - Give 'Em War (Molusco Producciones 2007)
Angelus Apatrida (ESP) - Clockwork (Century Media 2010)
Angelus Apatrida (ESP) - The Call (Century Media 2012, limited edition preferred)
Anger As Art (USA) - Anger As Art (Old School Metal 2006)
Anger As Art (USA) - Callous and Conquer (Old School Metal 2006)
Anger As Art (USA) - Disfigure (Old School Metal 2009)
Anger As Art (USA) - Hubris Inc. (Old School Metal 2013)
Annihilator (CAN) - Double Live Annihilation (AFM 2003)
Annihilator (CAN) - Live at Masters of Rock (SPV 2009)
Anvil Chorus (USA) - The Killing Sun (Rockadrome 2009)
Artillery (DNK) - Legions (Metal Blade 2013, limited edition with bonus tracks only)
Asmodeus (CZE) - Retez kritickych udalosti (Indie 2006)
Asmodeus (CZE) - Muka existence (CD/DVD) (Indie 2008)
Asmodeus (CZE) - Retrospektivum (Indie 2010)
Assassin (DEU) - The Club (AGD 2005)
Assassin (DEU) - Chaos and Live Shots DVD (Steamhammer 2012)
Atheist (USA) - Jupiter (Season Of Mist 2010)
Attomica (BRA) - 4 (Oversonic Music 2012, Thrashing Madness reissue is OK)
Avenger of Blood (USA) - Complete Annihilation (JCM 2005)
Backwater (DEU) - Revelation/Final Strike (Old Metal 2009)
Backwater (DEU) - Take Extreme Forms (Iron Shield 2013)
Barren Earth (FIN) - Our Twilight (Peaceville 2009)
Barren Earth (FIN) - Curse of the Red River (Peaceville 2010)
Barren Earth (FIN) - The Devil's Resolve (Peaceville 2012)
Bereaved, The (SWE) - Daylight Deception (VIC Records 2009)
Besieged (CAN) - Victim Beyond All Help (Unspeakable Axe 2013)
Bitter End (USA) - Have A Nice Death! (Metal on Metal 2011)
Black Dahlia Murder, The (USA) - A Cold-Blooded Epitaph (Lovelost 2002)
Blackness (FRA) - Crush... Unleash the Beast (Thundering 2000)
Blackness (FRA) - Dawn of the New Sun (Thundering 2002)
Blackness (FRA) - Stimulation for the Beast (Manitou Music 2010)
Blessed Curse (USA) - Blessed Curse (Cyclone Empire 2012)
Blessed Death (USA) - Hour Of Pain (Indie 2006)
Bonded By Blood (USA) - Extinguish The Weak (Indie 2007)
Bonded By Blood (USA) - The Aftermath (Earache 2012, w/ bonus CD only)
Bulldozer (ITA) - Neurodeliri (Metal Mind reissue, 2007)
Bulldozer (ITA) - Unexpected Fate (Scarlet 2009)
Bulldozer (ITA) - The Neurospirit Lives (Scarlet 2013, CD/DVD)
Bywar (BRA) - Invincible War (Hate Storm 2002)
Bywar (BRA) - Twelve Devils Graveyard (Kill Again 2007)
Bywar (BRA) - Abduction (Mutilation 2011)
Candlemass (SWE) - Psalms For The Dead (Napalm 2012)
Carcass (UK) - Surgical Steel (Trooper Entertainment 2013, Japanese release only)
Charon (FIN) - The Dying Daylights (Spinefarm 2003)
Charon (FIN) - Songs For The Sinners (Spinefarm 2005)
Charon (FIN) - A-Sides, B-Sides & Suicides (Spinefarm 2010)
Children of Bodom (FIN) - Relentless Reckless Forever (Universal Music 2011, CD/DVD preferred)
Children of Bodom (FIN) - Holiday At Lake Bodom: 15 Years of Wasted Youth (Spinefarm/Fontana 2012, CD/DVD edition preferred)
Contorsion (CHE) - Solace Through Lies (Indie 2010)
Contorsion (CHE) - Planet Parasite (Indie 2014)
Cradle Of Filth (UK) - Midnight In The Labyrinth (Peaceville 2012)
Cradle Of Filth (UK) - The Manticore and Other Horrors (Deluxe edition only, Nuclear Blast 2012)
Darkane (SWE) - Layers of Live (Listenable 2010, CD/DVD)
Dark Order (AUS) - 5000 Years Of Violence (Oracle 1998)
Dark Order (AUS) - The Violence Continuum (Oracle 2002)
Dark Order (AUS) - Cold War of the Condor (Battlegod 2010)
Deathland (PRT) - Devastation Begins (Indie 2006)
Deathland (PRT) - Incoming Attack (Indie 2011)
Debustrol (CZE) - Apokalismus (Happy Music 1999)
Debustrol (CZE) - Steak (Sokol 2001)
Debustrol (CZE) - Prerushit (Sokol 2005)
Debustrol (CZE) - Rwanda (Sokols Power Voice 2009)
Debustrol (CZE) - Vyznzni smrti Live (Obscene Productions 2011)
Demence (CAN) - Gouttes a gouttes (Neoblast/Warfare 2001)
Demonica (DNK) - Demonstrous (Massacre 2010)
Desilence (DEU) - Wreck The Silence (Twilight Zone 2008)
Destruction (DEU) - Alive Devastation (King/Nuclear Blast 2002)
Destruction (DEU) - The Curse of the Antichrist (AFM 2009)
Detente (USA) - History 1 (Cognitive 2008)
Detonation (NLD) - An Epic Defiance (Indie 2003)
Detonation (NLD) - Emission Phase (Osmose 2007)
Detonation (NLD) - Reprisal (Indie 2011)
Devastation (Chicago, USA) - Dispensible Bloodshed (Marquee 2008)
Devastator (ITA) - Andatevene Tutti Affanculo! (Indie 2010)
Devastator (ITA) - La musica Fa Schifo (Fadeout 2011)
Dew-Scented (DEU) - Ill-Natured (Grind Syndicate Media 1999)
Dew-Scented (DEU) - Invocation (Metal Blade/Prosthetic 2010)
Dew-Scented (DEU) - Icarus (Metal Blade 2012)
Dew-Scented (DEU) - Insurgent (Metal Blade 2013)
Diamond Plate (USA) - Pulse (Earache 2013, Century Media good too)
Disciples of Power (CAN) - Mechanikill (MindtGash 1996)
Disciples of Power (CAN) - In Dust We Trust (MindtGash 2002)
Dissection (CAN) - One Way Get Away (Area Death Productions 2010)
Doomshine (DEU) - The Piper At The Gates Of Doom (Massacre 2010)
Dorsal Atlantica (BRA) - Searching For The Light (Encore Records 2008)
Dorsal Atlantica (BRA) - Terrorism Alive (Varda 1999)
Dorsal Atlantica (BRA) - Antes do Fim, Depois do Fim (Encore Records 2005)
Dorsal Atlantica (BRA) - 2012 (Indie 2012)
Draconian (SWE) - Where Lovers Mourn (Napalm 2003)
Draconian (SWE) - Arcane Rain Fell (Napalm 2005)
Draconian (SWE) - The Burning Halo (Napalm 2006)
Draconian (SWE) - A Rose For The Apocalypse (Napalm 2011)
Drunkards (ITA) - No Trace Of Sanity (LM Records 2009)
Dust Bolt (DEU) - Chaos Possession (Indie 2010)
Edenian (UKR) - Winter Shades (BadMoodMan Music 2012)
Edenian (UKR) - Rise of the Nephilim (BadMoodMan Music 2013)
Edge Of Sanity (SWE) - Crimson II (Black Mark 2003)
Edge Of Sanity (SWE) - Kur-Nu-Gi-A (Black Mark 2012)
Egzekuthor (POL) - Zuk (Indie 2004)
Eluveitie (CHE) - Ven (Indie 2003)
Eluveitie (CHE) - Ven (Fear Dark 2004, reissue)
Eluveitie (CHE) - Spirit (Fear Dark 2006)
Eluveitie (CHE) - Live At Metalcamp (Nuclear Blast 2008)
Eluveitie (CHE) - Live On Tour (Soulfood 2012)
Eluveitie (CHE) - Helvetios (CD/DVD edition only, Nuclear Blast 2012)
Eluveitie (CHE) - The Early Years (Nuclear Blast 2012)
Emperor (NOR) - In The Nightside Eclipse (Candlelight 1994)
Emperor (NOR) - Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk (Candlelight 1997)
Enforcer (SWE) - Into The Night (Heavy Artillery 2008)
Enter My Silence (SWE) - Sophia's Eye (Indie 1999)
Enter My Silence (SWE) - Coordinate: D1SA5T3R (JMT Music 2006)
Entombed (SWE) - Serpent Saints (Threeman 2007)
Eruption (SLV) - Tenses Collide (Xtreem Music 2012)
Escabios (ARG) - Necesidad Extrema (Morgan 1992)
Escabios (ARG) - Altering the Future (Roadrunner 1994)
Evile (UK) - Infected Nations (Earache 2009, CD/DVD edition only, already have the Redux edition)
Exciter (CAN) - Long Live The Loud (Globus edition preferred, will accept other reissues too)
Exciter (CAN) - O.T.T. (Magnetic Air 1995)
Executer (BRA) - Psychotic Mind (Hellion 2003 or Kill Again 2012)
Executer (BRA) - Helliday (Kill Again 2014)
Faff-Bey (FIN) - Ace of Spades (Poko 1992)
Faff-Bey (FIN) - Should Have Stayed In The Grave (Poko 2005)
Fates Warning (USA) - Night on Brocken (Enigma/Metal Blade edition)
Fleshcrawl (DEU) - Structures Of Death (Metal Blade 2007)
Flotsam And Jetsam (USA) - Dreams Of Death (remastered, Metal Mind 2008)
Flotsam And Jetsam (USA) - Ugly Noise (even though it sucks, Metal Blade 2013)
#Fragments Of Unbecoming (DEU) - Bloodred Tales (Indie 2002)
Frailty (LVA) - Lost Lifeless Nights (Solitude Productions 2008)
Frailty (LVA) - EP (Indie 2009)
Frailty (LVA) - Silence is Everything... (Pelican 2010)
Frailty (LVA) - Melpomene (Arx Productions 2012)
Fuck Off (ESP) - Hell On Earth (Dark Rails 2006, reissue)
Fuck Off (ESP) - A Different Sacrifice 1987-1997 (Xtreem Music 2012)
Fuck Off (ESP) - Smile As You Kill (Xtreem Music 2013)
Fueled By Fire (USA) - Plunging Into Darkness (Noise Art 2012 w/ bonus track only)
Fueled By Fire (USA) - Trapped in Perdition (NoiseArt 2013)
Ground Zero (JPN) - Gate Of Death/Etherealize (Explosion Works/King 2009)
Gwar (USA) - You're All Worthless And Weak (Slave Pit 2002)
Gwar (USA) - Battle Maximus (Metal Blade 2013)
Hatesphere (DEN) - To The Nines (Napalm 2009)
Hatesphere (DEN) - The Great Bludgeoning (Napalm 2011)
#Hatriot (USA) - Dawn of the New Centurion (Massacre 2014, digipak version preferred)
Haunted, The (SWE) - Unseen (limited edition digipak only) (Century Media 2011 - yeah I know it sucks)
Hallows Eve (USA) - The Neverending Sleep (Indie 2008)
Havok (USA) - Thrash Can (Indie 2005)
Havok (USA) - Pwn 'Em All (Indie 2007)
Havok (USA) - Burn (Candlelight 2009, not the Candlelight USA CD-R version!)
Havok (USA) - Point of No Return (Candlelight 2012, not the Candlelight USA CD-R version!)
Helstar (USA) - Rising from the Grave (Metal Blade 2010)
Helstar (USA) - This Wicked Nest (AFM 2014)
Heretic (USA) - A Time of Crisis (Metal on Metal 2012)
Hexen (USA) - Blast Radius (Indie 2004)
Hexen (USA) - Heal A Million ... Kill A Million (Indie 2005)
Hexen (USA) - From The Cradle To The Chamber (Indie 2007)
Hexen (USA) - Cinders Of Zarathustra (Indie 2007)
Hexen (USA) - State of Insurgency (Old School Metal Records 2008)
Hirax (USA) - Immortal Legacy (Steamhammer 2014)
Holy Moses (DEU) - 30th Anniversary: In the Power of Now (Steamhammer 2012)
Holy Moses (DEU) - Redefined Mayhem (Steamhammer 2014)
Holy Terror (USA) - El Revengo (Blackend 2006)
Horrorscope (POL) - Delicioushell (Miceli 2010)
Hyades (ITA) - No Bullshit ... Just Metal! (Indie 2004)
Iced Earth (USA) - Plagues of Babylon (Century Media 2014, CD/DVD preferred)
Immortal Souls (FIN) - Once Upon A Time In The North (Fear Dark 2005)
Impious (SWE) - Death Domination (Metal Blade 2009)
Incursion Dementa (HOL) - A Long Lane That Has Not Turning (Marista 2008)
Indestructible Noise Command (USA) - Bleed The Line (Indie 2010)
Infamous Sinphony (USA) - Manipulation (Xtreem Music 2014)
Infamous Sinphony (USA) - Enemies of the State (Indie 2013)
Inquisidor (MEX) - Lagrimas Nocturnas (Indie 2014)
Insaintfication (BRA) - Diseased (Kill Again 2007)
Insomnium (FIN) - Across The Dark (Candlelight 2009)
Insomnium (FIN) - The Last Wave That Broke (Candlelight 2009)
Insomnium (FIN) - Shadows of the Dying Sun (Century Media 2014, 2CD version preferred)
Isole (SWE) - Born From Shadows (Napalm 2011)
Izegrim (HOL) - Bird of Prey (Indie 1999)
Izegrim (HOL) - Guidelines for Genocide (Indie 2002)
Izegrim (HOL) - New World Order (Indie 2005)
Izegrim (HOL) - Tribute to Totalitarianism (Rusty Cage 2008)
Izegrim (HOL) - Point of No Return (Rusty Cage 2009, if it exists on CD)
Izegrim (HOL) - Code of Consequences (Listenable 2011)
Izegrim (HOL) - Congress of the Insane (Listenable 2013)
Kat (POL) - Oddech Wymarlych Swiatow (Metal Mind 2006)
Kat (POL) - Mind Cannibals (Mystic 2005)
Kat (POL) - 666/Metal and Hell 25th Anniversary Edition (Yesterday 2011)
Kat (POL) - Rarities (Metal Mind 2013)
Kat (POL) - Acoustic - 8 Filmów (Metal Mind 2014)
#King Diamond (USA) - Give Me Your Soul ... Please! (Metal Blade 2007)
King of Asgard (SWE) - Prince of Märings (Indie 2009)
King of Asgard (SWE) - Fi'mbulvintr (Metal Blade 2010)
King of Asgard (SWE) - ...To North (Metal Blade 2012, digipak preferred)
Korzus (BRA) - Discipline Of Hate (AFM or Laser Company 2010)
Kreator (DEU) - Terror Prevails - Live At Rock Hard Festival (Nuclear Blast 2010)
Kreator (DEU) - Dying Alive (Nuclear Blast 2013, Blu-Ray+2CD digi edition preferred, will accept others)
Kremate (BRA) - Death: In The Name of (Force Majeure 2005)
Kremate (BRA) - The Greatest Joke (Urubuz Records 2011)
Kryptor (CZE) - Na Vychodní Fronti Boj! (Multisonic 1997)
Laaz Rockit (USA) - Left For Dead (Massacre 2008 only, w/out the bonus songs)
Legion (ESP) - Mind Training/Por La Cara (Dark Rails 2008)
Leprosy (MEX) - Reino Maldito (Discos y Cintas Denver 1994)
Leprosy (MEX) - Rey de las Bestias (Discos y Cintas Denver 1999)
Leprosy (MEX) - En Concierto Vol. I (Discos y Cintas Denver 2001)
Leprosy (MEX) - En Concierto Vol. II (Discos y Cintas Denver 2001)
Leprosy (MEX) - Leprosy in Concierto DVD (Discos y Cintas Denver 2001)
Leprosy (MEX) - La Maldition (Discos y Cintas Denver 2003)
Leprosy (MEX) - A Travez de los Tiempos (Discos y Cintas Denver 2004)
Leprosy (MEX) - Tambores de Fuego! (Discos y Cintas Denver 2006)
Leprosy (MEX) - Tributo a Death (Discos y Cintas Denver 2010)
Leprosy (MEX) - Llueve Sangre (Capitan Pimienta Records 2013)
Lethal (ARG) - Bienvenidos a mi Reino (2M Producciones 2013, or earlier pressing it one exists)
Lethal (ARG) - Warriors (Halley Records 1992, if it exists on CD)
Lethal (ARG) - Maza (RCA Records 1993)
Lethal (ARG) - Efecto Tequila (Halley Records 1995)
Lethal (ARG) - Bienvenidos a mi Reino/Warriors (Sum Records 1998)
Lethal (ARG) - Lethal 5.0 (Sony Music 1999)
Lethal (ARG) - Inyeccion Lethal (Indie 2010)
Lich King (USA) - World Gone Dead (Stormspell 2010)
#Lost Society (FIN) - Terror Hungry (Nuclear Blast 2014)
Lunacy (CHE) - N.I.N.E. (Indie 2004)
Megadeth (USA) - Rust In Peace Live! (Shout! 2010, CD or Blu-Ray, interested in both)
Megaslaughter (SWE) - Calls From The Beyond reissue (Arsenal Of Glory 2007)
Mekong Delta (DEU) - Wanderer on the Edge of Time (AAARRG 2010)
Mekong Delta (DEU) - Intersections (Steamhammer 2012)
Mekong Delta (DEU) - In A Mirror Darkly (Steamhammer 2014)
Meliah Rage (USA) - No Mind (promo single, Epic 1990)
Meliah Rage (USA) - Unfinished Business (Indie 2002)
Meliah Rage (USA) - The Deep And Dreamless Sleep (Screaming Ferret 2006)
Meliah Rage (USA) - Masquerade (Screaming Ferret 2009)
Meliah Rage (USA) - Warrior (Metal on Metal 2014)
Mercenary (DEN) - Supremacy (Black Day 1996)
Mercenary (DEN) - First Breath (Hammerheart 1998)
Mercenary (DEN) - Everblack (Hammerheart 2000)
Mors Principium Est (FIN) - The Unborn (Digipak or Japan edition preferred, Listenable 2005)
Mors Principium Est (FIN) - ...And Death Said Live (AFM Records 2012)
Mortal Sin (AUS) - Mortal Thrashing Mad - Official Live Bootleg (Megametal 2007)
Mortal Sin (AUS) - Into The Inferno (Live in Oslo) (Riot! 2009)
Mortal Sin (AUS) - Psychology of Death (NoiseArt 2011, Riot! version with bonus CD is OK too)
Municipal Waste (USA) - Municipal Waste EP (Amendment Records/Busted Heads 2001)
Municipal Waste/Crucial Unit (USA) - Split (Six Weeks 2002)
Naglfar (SWE) - Teras (Century Media 2012, digipak preferred)
Nasty Savage (USA) - Cleveland '87 (Marquee 2003)
National Napalm Syndicate (FIN) - Birth, Death And Resurrection (Poison Arrow 2007)
National Napalm Syndicate/Mengele/Lycanthropy/Morphisis - Thrashing Relics Vol.1 (Bestial Burst 2006)
Necronomicon (DEU) - Construction Of Evil (Remedy 2004)
Necronomicon (DEU) - Revenge of the Beast (Xtreem 2008, 2CD version preferred)
Necronomicon (DEU) - Invictus (Massacre 2012, digipak preferred)
Nevermore (USA) - The Year Of The Voyager (Century Media 2008, CD edition only)
No-Mads, The (POL) - No Hush 'Til Thrash (Indie 2003)
#No-Mads, The (POL) - Lost Control (Thrashing Madness 2013)
Nomed (FRA) - Thrashing Insanity (Armée de la Mort 2011)
Noumena (FIN) - Pride/Fall (Catharsis 2002)
Noumena (FIN) - Death Walks With Me (Haunted Zoo 2013)
Nuclear Assault (USA) - Atomic Waste: Demos & Rehearsals (High Roller 2012)
Obliveon (CAN) - Greatest Pits (Great White North 2002)
October Tide (SWE) - A Thin Shell (Candlelight 2010)
October Tide (SWE) - Tunnel of No Light (Pulverised 2013)
Onslaught (UK) - Live Polish Assault CD/DVD (Metal Mind 2007)
Onslaught (UK) - Sounds of Violence (AFM Records 2011)
Onslaught (UK) - VI (AFM Records 2013, limited edition preferred)
Opeth (SWE) - Orchid (Candlelight 1995 only, already have Century Black version)
Opeth (SWE) - Morningrise (Candlelight 1996)
Outrage (JPN) - The Great Blue (Polydor 1990)
Outrage (JPN) - Outrageous Compilation (Polydor 1991)
Outrage (JPN) - Days of Rage (Polydor 1995)
Outrage (JPN) - Volume One EP (30 Min. 2001)
Outrage (JPN) - Play Loud (30 Min. 2002)
Outrage (JPN) - 24/7 (30 Min 2002)
Outrage (JPN) - Nagoya Noise Pollution Orchestra (30 Min. 2003)
Outrage (JPN) - Deadbeat (JVC 2004)
Outrage (JPN) - Cause For Pause (JVC 2005)
Outrage (JPN) - Outrage (JVC/Victor 2009)
Pasadena Napalm Division (USA) - Pasadena Napalm Division (Minus Head Records)
Piledriver (CAN) - Metal Inquisition/Stay Ugly (Full Moon Productions 1997)
Prophecy (BRA) - Legions of Violence (Morbid Tales 2008, EBM Records reissue OK)
Protector (DEU) - Kain & Abel (Area Death Productions 2010)
Protector (DEU) - Reanimated Homunculus (High Roller 2013 or Kill Again 2013)
Razormaze (USA) - The True Speed of Steel (Hold True Recordings 2009)
Razormaze (USA) - Mysteries (Indie 2010)
Reign of Fury (UK) - Psycho Intentions (Goodlife Recordings 2011)
Renegade (AUS) - Total Armageddon (The Coffin Slave 2011)
Resistance, The (SWE) - Rise From Treason (EarMusic 2013)
Rumplestiltskin Grinder (USA) - Ghost Maker (Candlelight 2012)
Sabretung (AUS) - The Price is Pain (Indie 2006)
Sabretung (AUS) - Conquest (Indie 2011)
Sabretung (AUS) - Collision (Indie 2012)
Sacrifice (JPN) - Crest of Black (Bang the Head 2010)
#Sacrilege (UK) - Within The Prophecy (Keltic 200?)
Samael (SWI) - Solar Soul (Nuclear Blast 2007)
Samael (SWI) - Lux Mundi (Nuclear Blast 2011)
Saturnus (DEN) - For the Loveless Lonely Nights (Euphonious 1998)
Saturnus (DEN) - Martyre (Euphonious 2000)
Saturnus (DEN) - Saturn In Ascension (Cyclone Empire 2012)
Savage Messiah (UK) - Spitting Venom (SMR 2007)
Savage Messiah (UK) - Insurrection Rising (Candlelight 2009)
Savatage (USA) - When The Crowds Are Gone (promo single) (Atlantic 1989)
Savatage (USA) - Chance EP (Atlantic 1995)
Savatage (USA) - Live Devastation (w/ promo mention on front) (Metal Blade 1995, will trade well, no boots!)
Schizo (ITA) - Main Frame Collapse reissue (Avant-Garde 2006)
Scornage (DEU) - Sick Of Being Human (MDD Records 2004)
Scornage (DEU) - Pure Motorized Instinct (Remedy Records 2006)
Scornage (DEU) - Born To Murder The World (Remedy Records 2009)
Septic Flesh (GRE) - The Great Mass (Season of Mist 2011)
Serpentor (ARG) - Serpentor (Indie 2001, self-released version w/ 12 tracks only, already have the 4G Discos reissue)
Serpentor (ARG) - Final Sangriento (4G Discos 2007)
Serpentor (ARG) - Privacion Ilegitima de la libertad (Icarus Music 2009)
Serpentor (ARG) - Autodestrucción (Icarus Music 2013, DVD)
Skitzo (USA) - M-80s (Mosh Till Mush 2001, only if the CD-Rs are still readable, mine aren't)
Skitzo (USA) - Psychobabble (Mourning Star 1996)
Skitzo (USA) - Heavy Shit (Open Grave 2005)
Skullbreaker (DEU) - Total Thrash Terror (Indie 2005)
Slaughter (CAN) - Tortured Souls (Marquee 2007)
Sodom (DEU) - The Art of Killing Poetry (Metal Hammer 2010)
Sodom (DEU) - In War And Pieces (SPV/Steamhammer 2010)
Solitude Aeturnus (USA) - Hour of Despair (Metal Mind 2007, CD/DVD edition preferred)
Solitude Aeturnus (USA) - In Times of Solitude (Massacre 2011)
Soziedad Alkoholika (ESP) - Soziedad Alkoholika (Overdrive 1991)
Soziedad Alkoholika (ESP) - Feliz Falsedad (Overdrive 1992)
Soziedad Alkoholika (ESP) - Y Ese Que Tanto (Oihuka Diskak 1993)
Soziedad Alkoholika (ESP) - Ratas (Mil a Gritos 1995)
Soziedad Alkoholika (ESP) - Diversiones...? (Mil a Gritos 1996)
Soziedad Alkoholika (ESP) - No Intente Hacer Esto en Su Casa (Mil a Gritos 1997)
Soziedad Alkoholika (ESP) - Directo (Mil a Gritos 1999)
Soziedad Alkoholika (ESP) - Polvo En Los Ojos (Mil a Gritos 2000)
Soziedad Alkoholika (ESP) - Tiempos Oscuros (Locomotive 2003)
Soziedad Alkoholika (ESP) - Mala Sangre (Roadrunner 2008)
Soziedad Alkoholika (ESP) - Sesion #2 (Roadrunner 2009)
Soziedad Alkoholika (ESP) - Cadenas de Odio (Indie 2011)
Spellbound (DEU) - Extensions demo (Indie 2000)
Spellbound (DEU) - Violent Forces demo (Indie 2003)
Spellbound (DEU) - Nemesis 2665 (Armageddon 2007)
Suidakra (DEU) - Signs For The Fallen (Century Media 2003)
Suidakra (DEU) - Command To Charge (Armageddon 2005)
Suidakra (DEU) - Caledonia (Armageddon 2006)
Suidakra (DEU) - Crogacht (Wacken/SPV 2009)
Suidakra (DEU) - Book of Dowth (AFM 2011, digipak edition only)
Suidakra (DEU) - The Eternal Chronicles (AFM 2012, w/ or w/out Legacy 'zine)
Suidakra (DEU) - Eternal Defiance (AFM 2013, digipak edition preferred)
Swashbuckle (USA) - Crime Always Pays ... (Nuclear Blast 2010)
Tankard (DEU) - R.I.B. (Nuclear Blast 2014)
Target (BEL) - Master Project Genesis/Mission Executed (Stormspell 2009)
Taurus (BRA) - Pornography (Marquee 2008)
Temple of Blood (USA) - Overlord (Indie 2008)
Terror (USA) - Hijos De Los Cometas (Culebro/BMG 1997)
Terror (USA) - Terror (OVNI 1998)
Testament (USA) - The Formation of Damnation CD/DVD (Nuclear Blast 2008)
Testament (USA) - Dark Roots of Thrash (Nuclear Blast 2013, Blu-Ray+2CD edition preferred, DVD+2CD edition OK)
Testor (POL) - Ruiny (Indie 1996)
Testor (POL) - 50% Garage - 2000/2001 (Apim 2001)
Thrasher Death (POL) - Slaver (I Hate 2011)
Thrashless (EST) - Awaiting Rebirth (Indie 2012)
Thulcandra (DEU) - Fallen Angel's Dominion (Napalm 2010)
Thulcandra (DEU) - Under A Frozen Sun (Napalm 2011)
Tormenter (USA) - Phantom Time (EBM Records 2013)
Traitor (DEU) - Thrash Command (Indie 2012, already have Stormspell reissue)
Trouble (USA) - Run To The Light (Enigma/Metal Blade edition preferred, 1994 reissue is OK)
Trouble (USA) - Trouble (Def American 1990, no f*cking bootleg!)
Trouble (USA) - Manic Frustration (Def American 1992)
Turbo (POL) - Straznik Swiatla (Metal Mind 2009)
Turbo (POL) - Piaty zywiol (Metal Mind 2013)
Turbo (POL) - The Fifth Element (Metal Mind 2014)
Vektor (USA) - Demolition (Indie 2006)
Vektor (USA) - Outer Isolation (Heavy Artillery edition from 2011 only)
Vigilance (SLV) - Queen of the Midnight Fire (Metal Tank 2013)
Vindicator (USA) - There Will Be Blood (Indie 2008)
Vindicator (USA) - The Antique Witcheries (Heavy Artillery 2010)
Violator (BRA) - Annihilation Process (Kill Again 2010)
Violator (BRA) - Thrashin' United Tour 2007 DVD (Kill Again 2011)
Violator (BRA) - Scenarios of Brutality (Kill Again 2013)
Violent Force (DEU) - Malevolent Assault Of Tomorrow (Metal Mind 2007)
Virgin Snatch (POL) - Act of Grace (Mystic 2008)
Virgin Snatch (POL) - We Serve No One (Mystic 2014)
Virus (UK) - Pray For War/Force Recon (Marquee 2013)
Vulcano (BRA) - Five Skulls and One Chalice (Cogumelo 2009)
Vulcano (BRA) - The Man The Key The Beast (Renegados 2013)
Warckon (BEL) - The Madman's Lullaby (Indie 2011, Emanes Metal reissue OK)
Warckon (BEL) - High Treason (Emanes Metal 2014)
Wargasm (USA) - Suicide Notes (Transmission 1995)
Wargasm (USA) - Little Drummer Boy / Jingle Hell (Transmission 2000)
Whiplash (USA) - Thrashback (Massacre 1998)
Whiplash (USA) - Unborn Again (Pulverised 2009)
Wicca (DEU) - Splended Deed (Bleeding Chainsaw 2008)
Wicca (DEU) - Bloodrush (Twilight Zone 2010)
Within Y (SWE) - Portraying Dead Dreams (Gain 2006)
Within Y (SWE) - The Cult (Gain 2008)
Within Y (SWE) - Silence Conquers (Gain 2011)

Not priorities, but I could also use :

Aggression (ESP) - Viocracy (Xtreem Music 2012)
Amok (IRE) - Downhill Without Brakes (Indie 2008, Witches Brew edition OK)
Amon Amarth (SWE) - Deceiver of the Gods (Metal Blade 2013, digipak w/ bonus CD only)
Amoricide (USA) - The Essence of Evil (Indie 2004)
Amoricide (USA) - Horror in the Flesh (Indie 2010)
Amoricide (USA) - Storm of Violence (Indie 2011)
Ancient Dome (ITA) - Hunting the M.I.L.F. (DeathStorm 2012)
Animator (IRE) - Blacklisted (EBM Records 2013)
Anthrax (USA) - Worship Music (Nuclear Blast edition only, 2011)
Anthrax (USA) - Anthems (Nuclear Blast edition only, 2013)
Antichrist (SWE) - Forbidden World (High Roller 2011)
Argus (USA) - Argus (Shadow Kingdom 2009)
Argus (USA) - Boldly Stride the Doomed (Cruz del Sur 2011)
Argus (USA) - Beyond the Martyrs (Cruz del Sur 2013)
Armistice (DEU) - Roots of Evil (Bad Land 2005)
Assailant (USA) - First Offense (Steel Legacy 2011)
Attro (BRA) - Breaker (UGK Discos 1996)
Attro (BRA) - Making up for the Wasted Time (UGK Discos 2003)
Avatar (SWE) - Schlacht (Gain Records 2007)
Battalion (CHE) - The Fight For Metal (Indie 2006)
Battalion (CHE) - Underdogs (Silverwolf Productions 2010)
Battalion (CHE) - Set the Phantom Afire (Indie 2012)
Bio-Cancer (GRC) - Ear Piercing Thrash (Athens Thrash Attack 2012)
Black Shepherd (BEL) - Immortal Aggression (XDP Records 2009)
Blacksmith (USA) - Strike the Iron While It's Hot (Heaven and Hell 2011, CD/DVD preferred)
Blacksmith (USA) - Time Out of Mind (Heaven and Hell 2012)
Blackwych (IRE) - Out of Control (Slaney 2013)
Blessed Death (USA) - Kill Or Be Killed reissue (Metalmind 2007)
Blinded By Fear (DEN) - Enroute To Pain (Indie 2004)
Blinded Colony (SWE) - Bedtime Prayers (Pivotal 2007)
Calibos (CZE) - Nasedej (Indie 1997)
Calibos (CZE) - Go, Go, Go!!! (Indie 1999)
Calibos (CZE) - Extrack (Indie 2002)
Calibos (CZE) - At To Boli! (Indie 2003)
Calibos (CZE) - Mise (Indie 2010)
Cerebral Fix (UK) - Products Of Disgust box (Metal Mind 2007)
Chronosphere (GRC) - Envirusment (Athens Thrash Attack 2012)
Cipher System (SWE) - Communicate the Storms (Nuclear Blast 2011)
Compos Mentis (DEN) - Gehennesis (Mighty Music 2007)
Conspiracy (GRC) - Cripple Invaders (Athens Thrash Attack 2010)
Conspiracy (GRC) - Hope Over Board (EBM Records 2011)
Contradiction (DEU) - Contramination (Indie 2003)
Contradiction (DEU) - The Warchitect (Armageddon 2007)
Contradiction (DEU) - The Essence of Anger (Limited Access Records 2009)
Convixion (GRC) - Convixion (Eat Metal 2010)
Critical Solution (NOR) - Evil Never Dies (Indie 2013)
Crystal Lake (BRA) - Terror Machine (Indie 2007)
Cyperus (USA) - Blow It Up Your Ass (Arkeyn Steel 2011)
Dark Age (DEU) - Minus Exitus (Remedy 2008)
Dark Age (DEU) - Acedia (AFM 2009)
Darker Half (AUS) - Duality (Indie 2009)
Darker Half (AUS) - Desensitized (Rockstar 2011)
Deathraiser (BRA) - Violent Aggression (Xtreem Music 2011 or Kill Again 2012)
Deathstorm (AUT) - As Death Awakes (I Hate 2013)
Decimator (BRA) - Killing Tendencies (Marquee 2007)
Deliverance (ITA) - The Executioner (Killin' Time 2013)
Destroyer (DEU) - Slashing Metal (Slaney 2013)
Dies Irae (MEX) - Secret Veils of Passion (Chaos Records 2012)
Disarmonia Mundi (ITA) - Nebularium (Indie 2002)
Dismember (SWE) - Where Ironcrosses Grow (Karmageddon 2004)
Dismember (SWE) - Dismember (Regain 2008)
Dream of Poe, A (PRT) - The Mirror of Deliverance (Arx Productions 2011)
Duskfall, The (SWE) - The Dying Wonders Of The World (Nuclear Blast/Massacre 2007)
Endless Pain (ITA) - Born in Violence (Indie 2005)
Endless Pain (ITA) - Course of Hate (Indie 2009)
Endless Pain (ITA) - Chronicles of Death (Nadir Music 2011)
Essence (DNK) - Art in Imperfection (Indie 2007)
Essence (DNK) - Lost in Violence (Ultimhate Records 2011)
Essence (DNK) - Last Night of Solance (NoiseArt 2013)
Eternal Tears of Sorrow (FIN) - Chaotic Beauty (Spinefarm 2000)
Eternal Tears of Sorrow (FIN) - Before the Bleeding Sun (Spinefarm 2006)
Eternal Tears of Sorrow (FIN) - Children of the Dark Waters (Suomen Musiikki 2009, Massacre digipak OK)
Eternal Tears of Sorrow (FIN) - Saivon Lapsi (Massacre 2013)
Extrema (ITA) - Proud, Powerful 'n' Alive (Contempo 1993)
Extrema (ITA) - Better Mad Than Dead (Seven 2001)
Extrema (ITA) - Set The World On Fire (V2/Edel 2005)
Extrema (ITA) - Raisin' Hell With Friends (Scarlet 2007)
Extrema (ITA) - Pound for Pound (Scarlet 2009)
Fallen Angels (USA) - Engines of Oppression (Metal on Metal 2010)
Farscape (BRA) - Demon's Massacre (Dark Sun 2003)
Farscape (BRA) - Killers On The Loose (Unsilent 2006)
Farscape (BRA) - Primitive Blitzkrieg (Kill Again 2013)
Farscape/VICTIMIZER/ETERNAL PAIN/BETRAYED - Split (Deathstrike 2005)
Fastkill (JPN) - Bestial Thrashing Bulldozer (Bang the Head 2011)
Force, The (PRY) - Nations Under Attack (Kill Again 2011)
Force, The (PRY) - Stormwarning (Kill Again 2013)
Funeral (NOR) - In Fields of Pestilent Grief (Nocturnal Music 2001)
Funeral (NOR) - From These Wounds (Tabu 2006, Candlelight USA version is OK)
Funeral (NOR) - As the Light Does the Shadow (Indie Recordings 2008)
Funeral (NOR) - To Mourn Is A Virtue (Solitude Productions 2011)
Funeral (NOR) - Oratorium (Grau 2012, digipak w/ bonus CD preferred)
Germ Bomb (SWE) - Infected From Birth (AreaDeath 2010)
Germ Bomb (SWE) - Sound of Horns (AreaDeath 2013)
God Dethroned (NLD) - Under the Sign of the Iron Cross (Metal Blade 2010)
Hell (UK) - Human Remains (Nuclear Blast 2011, 2CD edition only)
Hell (UK) - Curse and Chapter (Nuclear Blast 2013)
Helloween (DEU) - Metal Jukebox (Raw Power 1999)
Helloween (DEU) - Keeper of the Seven Keys - The Legacy (Steamhammer/SPV 2005)
Helloween (DEU) - Live in Sao Paulo (Steamhammer/SPV 2007)
Helloween (DEU) - Are You Metal? (Victor Entertainment 2010)
Helloween (DEU) - Straight Out of Hell (The End or Sony Music Germany 2013)
Holocausto (BRA) - De Volta Ao Front (Cogumelo 2006)
Horrifier (USA) - Grim Fate (Witches Brew 2010)
Hypocrisy (SWE) - Catch 22 v2.0.08 (Nuclear Blast 2008)
Hypocrisy (SWE) - Hell over Sofia - 20 Years of Chaos and Confusion (Nuclear Blast 2011, DVD)
Infected (BRA) - Who is Not? (Mutilation 2009)
Infernal Majesty (CAN) - Chaos In Copenhagen (Hypnotic 2000)
Infinite Translation (FRA) - Impulsive Attack (Emanes Metal 2010)
Infinite Translation (FRA) - Masked Reality (Emanes Metal 2012)
Inspell (BUL) - Fairy Tales: Chapter One (Little Norway Productions 2003)
Iron Maiden (UK) - Powerslave (EMI/Capitol 1984)
Iron Maiden (UK) - Live After Death (EMI/Capitol 1985, version w/out IFPI only)
Iron Maiden (UK) - Most singles and live albums, just ask
Jag Panzer (USA) - The Scourge of the Light (Steamhammer 2011)
Judas Priest (UK) - Rocka Rolla (Line Records 1984)
Judas Priest (UK) - Killing Machine (Columbia/Sony 198?)
Kamelot (USA) - Eternity (Noise Records 1995)
Kamelot (USA) - Dominion (Noise Records 1997)
Kamelot (USA) - The Expedition (Noise Records 2000)
Kamelot (USA) - Epica (Noise Records 2003)
Kamelot (USA) - One Cold Winter's Night (Steamhammer/SPV 2006)
Kamelot (USA) - Ghost Opera (Steamhammer 2007)
Kamelot (USA) - Poetry For The Poisoned (KMG Recordings or Edel Music 2010)
Kamelot (USA) - Silverthorn (Steamhammer 2012)
Kataklysm (CAN) - Temple Of Knowledge (Nuclear Blast 1996)
Kataklysm (CAN) - Victims Of This Fallen World (Hypnotic 1998)
Kataklysm (CAN) - Vision The Chaos (Skyscraper 2005)
Kataklysm (CAN) - The Iron Will: 20 Years Determined (Nuclear Blast 2012, DVD)
Kataklysm (CAN) - Waiting for the End to Come (Nuclear Blast 2013, digipak version)
Katatonia (SWE) - Dance of December Souls (No Fashion 1993)
Katatonia (SWE) - Sounds of Decay (Avantgarde Music 1997)
Katatonia (SWE) - Saw You Drown (Avantgarde Music 1998)
Katatonia (SWE) - Teargas (Peaceville 2001)
Katatonia (SWE) - Tonight's Music (Peaceville 2001)
Katatonia (SWE) - Live Consternation (Peaceville 2007)
Katatonia (SWE) - The Great Cold Distance (Peaceville 2006)
Katatonia (SWE) - Night is the New Day (Peaceville 2009)
Killers (FRA) - Fils de la haine (Brennus 1997)
Killers (FRA) - Danger de vie (Brennus 1997)
Killers (FRA) - Contre Courant (Sydnet 1995)
Killers (FRA) - Fort Intérieur (Brennus 1998)
Killers (FRA) - Mauvaises graines (Brennus 2000)
Killers (FRA) - Killing Games (Brennus 2001)
Killers (FRA) - Mise aux poings 2001 (Brennus 2001)
Killers (FRA) - Le Côté Live (Brennus 2003)
Killers (FRA) - A l'ombre des vautours (Indie 2007)
Killers (FRA) - 10:10 (Indie 2012)
Killers (FRA) - Imido (Indie 2013)
Lacuna Coil (ITA) - Black Crown Halo (Century Media 2014, CD/DVD edition preferred)
Lazarus A.D. (USA) - The Onslaught (Indie 2008 only, already have Metal Blade reissue)
Lazarus A.D. (USA) - Black Rivers Flow (Metal Blade 2011)
Lipid (DEN) - Lipid (Indie 1998)
Lipid (DEN) - God We Have Slain (Indie 1999)
Lipid (DEN) - Hagridden (Pavement 2001)
Loudblast (FRA) - Frozen Moments Between Life And Death (XIII Bis Records 2011)
Loudblast (FRA) - Burial Ground (Listenable 2014)
Machine Head (USA) - Take My Scars (Roadrunner Japan 1997)
Machine Head (USA) - Unto The Locust CD/DVD (Roadrunner 2011)
Manilla Road (USA) - Live by the Sword: The Very Best of Manilla Road (Black Dragon 1998)
Manilla Road (USA) - The Deluge (Underground Symphony 2001)
Manilla Road (USA) - Spiral Castle (Iron Glory 2002)
Manilla Road (USA) - Mark of the Beast (Monster 2002 or Forged in Fire/Rockadrome 2011)
Manilla Road (USA) - Invasion/Metal (Cult Metal Classics 2004, Shadow Kingdom reissues of any are also OK)
Manilla Road (USA) - Voyager (My Graveyard 2008)
Manilla Road (USA) - After Midnight Live (Shadow Kingdom 2010)
Manilla Road (USA) - Playground of the Damned (Shadow Kingdom 2011)
Manilla Road (USA) - Mysterium (Shadow Kingdom 2013)
Martyrium (CHL) - Twisted Fate (Australis 2012)
Melechesh (ISR) - Sphinx (Osmose 2003)
Mentally Defiled (GRC) - The Thrash Brigade (Thrash Massacre edition from 2009 only, already have the EBM Records)
Mercyful Fate (DEN) - The Bell Witch (Metal Blade 1994)
Militia (ARG) - Agonia Infernal (Morgan Records 1995)
Monolit (BIH) - Arkana Balkanica (One Records 2008)
Monolit (BIH) - Deimos Tapes (Mighty Monster Records 2012)
Moonspell (POR) - Irreligious (Century Media 1996)
Moonspell (POR) - Night Eternal (Steamhammer/SPV 2008)
Moonspell (POR) - Alpha Noir/Omega White (Napalm 2012)
Mortification (AUS) - Mortification (Intense or Nuclear Blast editions only, 1991)
Mortification (AUS) - Break The Curse (Nuclear Blast 1994)
Mortification (AUS) - The Best of Five Years (Intense 1995)
Mortification (AUS) - Noah Sat Down and Listened to ... (Rowe 1996)
Mortification (AUS) - Power, Pain & Passion - Ten Years (Rowe 2002)
Mortification (AUS) - Live Humanitarian (Soundmass 2007)
Mortification (AUS) - Twenty Years in the Underground (Nuclear Blast 2010)
Mortification (AUS) - Scribe of the Pentateuch (Rowe 2012)
Mortifier (USA) - Underground Noise (Indie 2008)
My Dying Bride (UK) - Meisterwerk I (Peaceville 2000)
My Dying Bride (UK) - An Ode To Woe (Peaceville 2008, CD/DVD)
My Dying Bride (UK) - Bring Me Victory (Peaceville 2008)
My Dying Bride (UK) - Evinta (Peaceville 2011, 3-discs edition preferred)
My Dying Bride (UK) - The Barghest O' Whitby (Peaceville 2011)
My Dying Bride (UK) - A Map Of All Our Failures (Peaceville 2012, mediabook edition preferred)
My Dying Bride (UK) - The Manuscript (Peaceville 2013)
Nadimac (SRB) - Po Kratkom Postupku (Area Death 2011)
Neaera (DEU) - Let The Tempest Come (Metal Blade 2006)
Neaera (DEU) - Omnicide: Creation Unleashed (Metal Blade 2009)
Neaera (DEU) - Forging the Eclipse (Metal Blade 2010)
Necrodeath (ITA) - 20 Years Of Noise (Scarlet 2005)
Necrodeath (ITA) - Phylogenesis (Scarlet 2009)
Necrodeath (ITA) - Old Skull (Scarlet 2010)
Necrodeath (ITA) - Idiosyncrasy (Scarlet 2011)
Necrodeath (ITA) - The Age of Fear (Scarlet 2011)
Necropsya (PER) - Toward Insanity (Icarus Music 2013)
Necrosis (CHL) - Enslaved To The Machine (Toxic 2001)
Nervosa (BRA) - Victim of Yourself (Napalm 2014)
Nocturnal (DEU) - Arrival Of The Carnivore (From Beyond 2004)
Nocturnal Breed (NOR) - Napalm Nights (Agonia 2014)
Nuclear Warfare (DEU) - War is Unleashed (Indie 2004)
Nuclear Warfare (DEU) - We Come in Peace (Indie 2006)
Nuclear Warfare (DEU) - Killing Combat (Indie 2008)
Nuclear Warfare (DEU) - God of Aggression (MDD 2010)
Omnium Gatherum (FIN) - Steal the Light (Rage of Achilles 2002)
Omnium Gatherum (FIN) - Spirits and August Light (Rage of Achilles 2003)
Omnium Gatherum (FIN) - The Redshift (Candlelight 2008)
Omnium Gatherum (FIN) - New World Shadows (Lifeforce 2011)
Omnium Gatherum (FIN) - Beyond (Lifeforce 2013)
Overkill (USA) - The Electric Age (Nuclear Blast 2012, CD/DVD edition only)
Papsmear (USA) - Music To Kill By (M-Theory Audio 2008)
Paradise Lost (UK) - Shades of God (Music For Nations/Metal Blade 1992)
Paradise Lost (UK) - Seals the Senses (Music For Nations 1994)
Paradise Lost (UK) - Gothic EP (Peaceville 1994)
Paradise Lost (UK) - The Last Time (Italian version on Ermitage only, 1995)
Paradise Lost (UK) - Enchantment (Music For Nations or Relativity, promo CD, 1995)
Paradise Lost (UK) - Forever Failure (Music For Nations 1995)
Paradise Lost (UK) - True Belief '97 (Furia 1997)
Paradise Lost (UK) - The Singles Collection (Music For Nations 1997)
Paradise Lost (UK) - Say Just Words (Music For Nations 1997)
Paradise Lost (UK) - One Second (Music For Nations 1997)
Paradise Lost (UK) - One Second single (Music For Nations 1998, any version will do)
Paradise Lost (UK) - Reflection (Music For Nations 1998)
Paradise Lost (UK) - So Much Is Lost (EMI 1999)
Paradise Lost (UK) - Permanent Solution (EMI 1999)
Paradise Lost (UK) - Mouth (EMI 2001)
Paradise Lost (UK) - Believe in Nothing (EMI 2001)
Paradise Lost (UK) - Fader (EMI 2001)
Paradise Lost (UK) - Erased (GUN 2002, digipak preferred)
Paradise Lost (UK) - At the BBC (Strange Fruit 2003)
Paradise Lost (UK) - Forever After (GUN 2005, digipak preferred)
Paradise Lost (UK) - The Enemy (Century Media 2007)
Paradise Lost (UK) - Drown in Darkness: The Early Demos (Century Media 2009)
Paradise Lost (UK) - Draconian Times MMXI (Century Media 2011)
Paradise Lost (UK) - Tragic Illusion 25 (Century Media 2013)
Paradise Lost (UK) - Live at the Roundhouse (Abbey Road 2013)
Phantom Crew (USA) - Thrashing Spree (Marquee 2006)
Phantom Crew (USA) - Scars and Stripes Forever (Phantom Republic 2013)
Poisonblack (FIN) - Of Rust And Bones (Century Media 2010)
Poisonblack (FIN) - Drive (Hype Productions 2011)
Prayers of Sanity (PRT) - Religion Blindness (Indie 2009, EBM Records is OK)
Prayers of Sanity (PRT) - Confrontations (Indie 2012)
Protected Illusion (FIN) - Watching The Wake (Marquee 2008)
Quo Vadis (POL) - Babel (Jimmy Jazz 2007)
Quo Vadis (POL) - Novem (Indie 2013)
Rancor (ESP) - Dark Future (Xtreem Music 2013)
Raped Ape (USA) - Past Tense (Southcore Productions 2012)
Revenge (COL) - Rage and Revenge (Iron Shield 2012)
Revenge (COL) - Metal Is : Addiction and Obsession (Kill Again 2012)
Revenge (COL) - Death Sentence/Bang Your Head (Kill Again 2013)
Revenge (COL) - Vendetta (Kill Again 2013)
Rogue Male (UK) - First Visit (Metal Mind reissue 2008)
Rogue Male (UK) - Animal Man (Metal Mind reissue 2008)
Rootwater (POL) - Limbic System (Mystic 2007)
Rootwater (POL) - Visionism (Mystic 2009)
Rusted Brain (POL) - High Voltage Thrash (Slaney 2013)
Sarcasm (SVN) - Something to Believe In (On Parole 2011)
Sarcasm (SVN) - Thrash (On Parole 2013)
Scar Symmetry (SWE) - Symmetric In Design (Metal Blade 2005)
Scar Symmetry (SWE) - Dark Matter Dimensions (Nuclear Blast 2009)
Schizo (ITA) - Cicatriz Black (Scarlet 2007)
Schizo (ITA) - Hallucination Cramps (Scarlet 2010)
Sentinel Beast (USA) - Up From the Ashes (Stormspell 2010)
Seregon (UK) - Kingdom of the Blind (Indie 2007)
Seregon (UK) - Disposable Suffering (Indie 2009)
Seregon (UK) - The Movement (Indie 2013)
Skeptor (USA) - United We Stand... Together We Fall (Indie 2014)
Solefald (NOR) - Neonism (Avantgarde Music 1999 only)
Solefald (NOR) - In Harmonia Universali (Century Media 2003)
Solefald (NOR) - Black for Death: An Icelandic Odyssey : Part II (Season Of Mist 2006)
Solefald (NOR) - The Circular Drain (Von Jackhelln Inhuman 2008)
Solefald (NOR) - Norron Livskunst (Indie Recordings 2010)
Soul Collector (POL) - Soul Collector (Indie 2010)
Soul Collector (POL) - Thrashmageddon (Indie 2013)
SSS (UK) - Short Sharp Shock (Dead And Gone 2006, NOT the Earache reissue)
Steelgar (ESP) - Xenocide (Molusco Producciones 2010)
Suffocation of Soul (BRA) - The Last Way of Madness (Underground Distro 2012)
Suffocation of Soul (BRA) - The First Attack (Kill Again 2014)
Suicidal Angels (GRC) - Armies Of Hell (Live 2006)
Suicidal Angels (GRC) - Eternal Domination (OSM Records 2007)
Suicidal Angels (GRC) - Sanctify The Darkness (Nuclear Blast 2009)
Suicidal Angels (GRC) - Dead Again (NoiseArt 2010)
Suicidal Angels (GRC) - Bloodbath (NoiseArt 2012)
Suicidal Angels (GRC) - Divide and Conquer (NoiseArt 2014)
Taramis (AUS) - Queen of Thieves (My Graveyard 2009, CD/DVD)
Testimony/Interceptor (USA/ITA) - Split (EBM Records 2012)
The Crown (SWE) - Deathrace King (Metal Blade 2000)
The Crown (SWE) - Crowned Unholy (Metal Blade 2004)
The Crown (SWE) - Doomsday King (Century Media 2010)
Thirdmoon (AUT) - Grotesque Autumnal Weepings (CCP 1997)
Thirdmoon (AUT) - Dimorphic Cynosure (Maintain 2007)
Thrashfire (TUR) - Thrash Burned the Hell (EBM Records 2011)
Thrashless (EST) - Awaiting Rebirth (Indie 2012)
Thrashless (EST) - Trip of Death (Indie 2013)
Torment (ITA) - The Damage is Done (EBM Records 2012)
Torment Tool (DEU) - Dawn of War (Indie 2010)
Torment Tool (DEU) - Under Friendly Attack (Gegentrend 2012)
Toxic Holocaust (USA) - Conjure And Command (Relapse 2011, CD/DVD edition only)
Toxic Holocaust (USA) - From the Ashes of Nuclear Destruction (Relapse 2013)
Toxic Waltz (DEU) - Decades of Pain (Indie 2014)
Trallery (ESP) - Catalepsy (Xtreem Music 2013)
Transmetal (MEX) - XIII Anos en Vivo Primera Parte (Denver 2000)
Transmetal (MEX) - XIII Anos en Vivo Segunda Parte (Denver 2000)
Transmetal (MEX) - Lo Podrido Corona La Inmensidad (Denver 2004)
Transmetal (MEX) - 17 Years Down In Hell (Denver 2004)
Transmetal (MEX) - El Despertar de la Adversidad (Denver 2006)
Transmetal (MEX) - Progresion Neurotica (Denver 2006)
Transmetal (MEX) - 20 Anos Ondeando La Bandera Del Metal (Denver 2007)
Transmetal (MEX) - en vivo desde Tijuana (Mental 2008)
Transmetal (MEX) - Odyssey In The Flesh (Felony1 2008)
Transmetal (MEX) - Decadencia en la Modernidad (La Mazakuata 2011)
Transmetal (MEX) - Indestructible (La Mazakuata 2012)
Transmetal (MEX) - Clásicos (La Mazakuata 2013)
Trivium (USA) - Shogun (Roadrunner 2009, CD/DVD edition only)
Trivium (USA) - In Waves (Roadrunner 2011, CD/DVD edition only)
Trouble (USA) - Black Shapes of Doom (High Roller 2011)
Trouble (USA) - The Distortion Field (FRW Records 2013)
Tyranex (SWE) - Extermination Has Begun (Inferno Records 2011)
Ultra-Violence (ITA) - Wildcrash (Punishment 18 2012)
United (JPN) - Reload (Victor 1997)
United (JPN) - Burst (Howling Bull 1997)
United (JPN) - Infectious Hazard (Howling Bull 2001)
United (JPN) - Core (Howling Bull 2002)
United (JPN) - Nine (Howling Bull 2005)
United (JPN) - Tear of Illusions (Spiritual Beast 2011)
Untimely Demise (CAN) - Full Speed Metal (Indie 2009)
Untimely Demise (CAN) - City of Steel (Indie 2010 only, already have P18R reissue)
Vallenfyre (UK) - A Fragile King (Century Media 2011, digipak version preferred)
Vallenfyre (UK) - Splinters (Century Media 2014)
Warmonger (ITA) - Rites of Vengeance (High Roller 2009)
Wartime (BUL) - Perfect World (Indie 1998)
Wartime (BUL) - Against Destiny (Indie 2010)
Wartime (BUL) - Solar Messiah (Indie 2012)
Within Temptation (HOL) - The Unforgiving (Roadrunner 2011, CD/DVD edition only)
Zombiefication (MEX) - Midnight Stench (Asphyxiate Recordings 2010)
Zombiefication (MEX) - Reaper's Consecration (Chaos Records 2012)

et plusieurs autres, envoyez vos listes!

Je ne suis PAS intéressé par des versions Russes sous licences (IronD/Fono/CD-Maximum/etc.).
Je ne suis PAS intéressé par des versions sous licences provenant d'Amérique du Sud (Icarus, Raw Metal, etc.).
Je ne suis PAS intéressé par des versions sous licences provenant du Mexique (Scarecrow Records par exemple).
Je ne suis PAS intéressé par des versions sous licences en provenant d'Asie (Corée, Chine, Indonésie, etc.) sauf les éditions japonaises avec OBI.
Je ne suis PAS intéressé par des disques achetés chez des distros reconnus pour vendre des items contrefaits (Azintex par exemple, certains distros en Grèce).
Je ne suis PAS intéressé par des versions 'officielles' sur demande en format CD-R (ex: Amazon et quelques autres manufacturiers)

Seule exception - un échange impliquant une de ces versions pour une des miennes.

NOTE: Si vos disques comportent des altérations ou sont des éditions promotionnelles (ie. pochette carton, jaquette arrière pliée, poinçon à travers le code à barre, marque de scie au livret ou la jaquette arrière, etc.), mentionnez le moi AVANT de conclure la transaction. Je ne les rejette pas nécessairement puisque pour certains de mes items recherchés, une version 'cut-out' est mieux que rien du tout. Par contre, pour des disques plutôt communs, je préfère des versions 'retail' sans altérations.

Je n'accepte donc que des éditions d'Amérique du Nord ou de l'Europe, à moins évidemment que le groupe soit signé par un 'label' d'un pays mentionné plus haut.
Dernière modification par Coma le mar. mai 13, 2014 4:26 pm, modifié 17 fois.
Liste d'échange: viewtopic.php?t=25880

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Messages : 89
Inscription : mer. janv. 09, 2008 3:39 pm

Messagepar Coma » lun. janv. 14, 2008 5:43 am

21 CDs ajoutés aujourd'hui, quelques-uns enlevés.
Liste d'échange: viewtopic.php?t=25880

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Messages : 147
Inscription : mar. août 08, 2006 6:43 pm

Messagepar oceancloud » mar. janv. 15, 2008 6:28 pm

Coma, c'est du bon, du sérieux, du rapide! :P

Vous pouvez y aller sans souci.

Merci pour le Pantheist

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Messages : 2173
Inscription : mar. oct. 10, 2006 8:14 am

Messagepar Vinzzz » mar. janv. 15, 2008 8:43 pm

oceancloud a écrit :Coma, c'est du bon, du sérieux, du rapide! :P

Vous pouvez y aller sans souci.

Je me lève et je confirme !!!!!! Respect :!:
Attention RIP-OFF:
Alanche Guillaume
64 Bis Grande Rue 78770 MARCQ

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Messages : 139
Inscription : sam. août 31, 2002 9:38 pm

Messagepar mydrin » sam. janv. 19, 2008 5:34 pm

La même chose , transaction idéale, j'ai recu les cds en 3 jours, çà va plus vite que pour un envoi en france :arrow:

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Messages : 2173
Inscription : mar. oct. 10, 2006 8:14 am

Messagepar Vinzzz » mar. janv. 22, 2008 12:20 pm

Salut Dominic,
Tu as bien reçu mon colis ( Hades ) ?????
Dis moi
Vinzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :o
Attention RIP-OFF:
Alanche Guillaume
64 Bis Grande Rue 78770 MARCQ

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Messages : 89
Inscription : mer. janv. 09, 2008 3:39 pm

Messagepar Coma » mar. janv. 22, 2008 5:05 pm

Oui Vinz, je l'ai reçu ce matin. Merci beaucoup!
Liste d'échange: viewtopic.php?t=25880

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Messages : 89
Inscription : mer. janv. 09, 2008 3:39 pm

Messagepar Coma » lun. janv. 28, 2008 10:43 pm

Petite mise à jour.
Liste d'échange: viewtopic.php?t=25880

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Messages : 147
Inscription : mar. août 08, 2006 6:43 pm

Messagepar oceancloud » mar. janv. 29, 2008 7:59 pm

Nouveau trade avec Coma, toujours aussi parfait!

Coma président ! :o

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